Aegirine vs Black Tourmaline, What is the Difference?

Aegirine vs Black Tourmaline, What is the Difference?

Aegirine is a crystal that is often confused with black tourmaline due to its similarity in appearance. To the inexperienced collector it can be hard to tell the difference between aegirine vs black tourmaline, so what is the difference? Aegirine crystals are found in igneous or volcanic rock and are much rarer than black tourmaline. Aegirine, also known as acmite, is highly sought after by crystal collectors and can be found in different areas of the world, including; Russia, Canada, Norway, South Africa and the USA. At Persephone Shop, our aegirine crystals are carefully sourced from Mount Molosa in the Zomba region of Malawi. Browse our latest collection of aegirine here: Aegirine – Persephone

Another clear difference you will see in aegirine is the color, aegirine crystals are typically very dark green or brown in color when seen under direct sunlight as opposed to tourmaline which is black. The two crystals also have distinct energetic differences and are thus used for slightly different purposes.

Aegirine Meaning

Raw aegirine was first discovered in Norway in 1835, it is named after the Norse God of the sea, Aegir, who was worshipped by sailors. Sailors would often worship Aegir to help bring them safe passage on their sea voyages, which were a very dangerous way to travel at the time. Aegir was a Viking God and known as a personification of the sea, he is depicted in male form and was believed to have descended from giants. He often carries a spear or trident and was said to have control over the sea, weather and sea creatures. He was believed to have an underwater palace where he held large feasts for the Gods.

To the Vikings, Aegir had the power to make their sea voyages pleasant or disastrous. If they did not first appease the Sea God before travel, there was a danger of their vessel sinking to the bottom of the ocean. For this reason, various rituals and offerings were made to Aegir to bring good luck and encourage a safe trip. These offerings would include special prayers and physical offerings such as food, wine and precious metals. 

Due to their origins, aegirine crystals have long had a strong association with the sea and those drawn to the element of water. They often resonate with water astrological signs such as Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio and those drawn the ocean and sea creatures. Those with an ancestral connection to Norway and the Scandinavian countries also often resonate with the energy of aegirine.

What is Aegirine Used For?

In considering the differences between aegirine vs black tourmaline, it is worth considering what these crystals are used for. Black tourmaline has long been used for protective purposes and is said to absorb negative energies. As such, it is a popular crystal used in protection rituals, spells and jewelry. Similarly, aegirine can also be used for protection however aegirine crystal benefits extend beyond those of black tourmaline.

Aegirine crystals are much more powerful than black tourmaline when used for protection. Raw aegirine offers strong protection for the aura from negative attachments and psychic attack. It’s a great crystal for those that are regularly exposed to toxic or negative energies due to their job. Sitting in meditation with an aegirine crystal once a week is a great way to clear out negative energies, ground yourself to the earth and offer protection. Often associated with the root chakra, aegirine creates a powerful energetic shield around the aura. As well as absorbing negative energy, it has the power to clear out negative attachments like an energetic broom and brings in lighter energies, promoting hope and faith in dark times.

Another interesting quality in aegirine vs black tourmaline is that aegirine is particularly good at helping to remove old habits and stuck patterns of behavior. Some people find it helpful for working with self-sabotage and addictive personalities. Aegirines powerful ability to cleanse and clear is also helpful for those suffering from heartbreak or emotional ties they are struggling to disentangle themselves from. It can be used as a powerful tool in cord-cutting ceremonies or rituals.

For those sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) aegirine is a powerful grounding shield from electronic interference. It can be placed near computers or other electronic devices to ground the energies and provide protection. For more information, checkout our YouTube video on aegirine here: Rare Aegirine Acmite Crystal Properties Benefits Meanings

Disclaimer: Crystals should not be used to diagnose or treat any health condition. All medical, health and psychiatric issues should be treated by a qualified doctor or medical health professional

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